Do you still believe these common Dental myths?


Having certain beliefs and thinking is fine but when it is going to be affecting you n your health then I think it's time for some background check.Here are some common dental myths in India.Some of which you may believe and some you may not!Let's find out which are they!

1. Tooth removal affects eyesight


There is absolutely no connection between the nerves of your eyes with that of your teeth. This myth may have emerged from the necessity to removal of tooth during old age. As older people have aged gums and because of that they mostly have to get their teeth removed. Same case happens with the diminished eyesight during old age called as Presbyopia which is age related vision loss. 
If this was the case then all you people who use specs should have lost some teeth , isn't it?

2. Milk Teeth Fall Off Naturally; Saving Them Is Not Important


This is the most common misconception most parents have.
Any kind of infection in your mouth in obviously bad for your health.
Tooth decay is also kinda infection which can affect your child any many ways
It can:
Impact children’s nutrition, and impede them from eating healthy food.
Cause severe tooth pain, that worsens without treatment.
Lead to infections that affect nearby teeth, and cause more cavities.

3.You should brush your teeth hard to get them properly cleaned


No No No!
Brushing too hard or with a brush that’s too abrasive, or firm, can actually do more harm than good. It can erode some of the enamel that protects the inside of the tooth from cavities and decay. It can also make your gums recede. To avoid this, used a soft bristle toothbrush and don’t use too much elbow grease when brushing your teeth. 
Also bonus tip , brushing in circular motion rather horizontal or vertical motion is the correct way!

4.If nothing is bothering you, you really don’t need to visit the dentist


This is arguably the biggest dental myth. Pain doesn’t always coincide with dental problems initially. With cavities and gum disease you don’t always feel it. The problem is, once you do start to feel pain, it’s evolved into an even bigger issue. If you wait until a cavity hurts to get it checked out, you could end up needing a root canal or an extraction that could have been prevented with regular dental checkups.

5.Warm compresses will relieve the Tooth pain and gum swelling 


Never apply warm compress when there's tooth infection or swelling 
doing so the warm environment helps the infective organisms to multiply and the swelling may increase leading to pus accumulation.
always visit a dentist in such scenario to relieve pain and infection

6.Dental cleaning is bad and may loosen your teeth


Any kind of Dental treatment is never bad. Having chunks of calculus and tartar over your teeth is bad and which has to be removed for further damage and eventually loss of tooth! 
check out to know more, Why tooth may feel loose after professional cleaning.


So from here you already know what it is and why it is right ?!
Next time your friend tells you anything like that or if you have any doubts regarding anything you can comment here or mail us and we would tell you if it's true!


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