Know how you are responsible for your Dental treatment expenses!


A stitch in time saves nine!

True! Even in case of your teeth treatment cost.In this post I will tell you how you could save your money by taking actions early for your teeth.
Before that we need to know the Stages of tooth cavity (decay) along with the dental treatment options at each stage.

Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors, including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks and not cleaning your teeth well.
Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. 

1.Enamel damage 

Sign & symptoms : 
  • No pain
  • Black discoloration in the surface or
  • White patch over tooth surface

treatment : dental filling
cost: Rs.500 to 1500
visits : 1 sitting

2.Dentin damage

Sign & symptoms : 

  • no pain
  • food lodgement
  • slight sensitivity
  • visible black discoloration with cavity

treatment: dental filling
cost : Rs.500 to 1500
visits : 1 to 2 sittings

3.Pulp damage

signs and symptoms:

  • mild to severe pain
  • pain worsens during nights
  • pain on food lodgement
  • sensitivity
  • gum swelling
  • pain while eating
treatment: Root canal Procedure
cost:Rs.1500 to 10000
visits : 3 sittings

4.Upper tooth structure damage 

signs and symptoms

  • mild to severe pain
  • fractured portion of tooth
  • bad breath
  • food lodgment
  • gum swelling
  • pain while chewing
treatment : Root canal treatment along with post & core
cost: Rs.2000 to 14000
visits : 3 to 4 sittings

5.Furcation till the roots

signs and symptoms

  • pain may or may not be there
  • slightly mobile tooth
  • gum swelling

treatment: extraction, tooth removal
with prosthesis
cost: Rs. 2000 to 30000
visits : 3 or more sittings

If you don't consider getting check up done and not filling that tooth cavity be ready for further complications..
It's always necessary to get the treatment early or be ready to spend few more bucks and more visits to the dental office !💁


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