
Showing posts from May, 2020

What to eat after tooth removal?

source well of course I am not gonna tell you to grab that double cheese burger just after that wisdom tooth extraction and I am even sure you aren't that adventurous to try on biting onto your favorite chicken wings! Okay no more talking about delicious food ... because if you are planning to get that tooth extracted you may have to slurp on some really less spicy soup for sure ... Before talking about what can you eat lets talk about what not to eat after or on the day of Tooth extraction .. Avoid Spicy, hard and Hot Foodstuffs.. Crunchy and crumbly foods like popcorn or nachos  Grains n seeds -  The reason why you can't have it , is because this kinda food gets lodged into the socket brings about discomfort and more pain if it stays there and can cause infection . source I know you love your cup of coffee brewed nicely n served Hot .. but you gotta avoid that for at least 2 to 3 days..! Getting to the point .. What can you eat after

5 Things to avoid after Tooth Removal !

SOURCE You must have gotten that Tooth removed ..may be it was mobile, paining or may be your orthodontist advised you so , It could be even that wisdom tooth which you have gotten rid of ...In any case obviously you gonna have doubts how to care , what precautions you should take even what to eat etc. The Tooth removal is done but the aftercare is also important which is solely done by you ! And hence it becomes necessary for you to know what precautionary measures you should be taking Here you go .. Just after the tooth removal Your Dentist must have asked you to bite on the gauze piece for at least half hour to one hour which will help in controlling bleeding after tooth extraction. You can have something cold like smoothie or plane ice cream one hour after the tooth removal that is when when you remove the gauze. Avoid Spitting and vigorous rinsing. Avoid Hard ,Hot and spicy food and drinks at least for 24 hours. Avoid Brushing AT extraction site.(It can be

5 foods that can stain your teeth..

source 1.Tea -coffee We Indians are Tea lovers and can't live without our favorite chai ! But Tea and coffee are the ones which actually stain your teeth. coffee contains tannin that can cause stains overtime it also helps acidic foods to do  more damage. source 2.Indian curries With so much of turmeric powder and masalas there are greater chances of you staining your teeth with that yellow color. source 3.Berries The strong colors in raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries, paired with the acidity of the fruits, can cause staining whether they’re eaten whole, as a jam or jelly, or as a juice. source 4.Citrus fruits Like tomato and lemon because of their acidic nature they tend to open up the pores in your teeth exposing the inside layer which is dentin and which is yellow in color. Even the pizza sauce or the spaghetti sauce can also actually stain your teeth. source 5.Red wine OR White wine This may turn the teeth in

Do I need electric toothbrush?

                                                              source I recently came across a Really good looking YouTuber endorsing an Electric toothbrush to whiten his already pearly white teeth... Anyone would consider buying that Automatic toothbrush depicting white nicely aligned teeth, isn't it? We humans always love technology Be it asking Alexa to play our favorite song to making round chapatis ..We need technology everywhere !! source Your manual tooth brushing isn't enough for you? Anyway, the question is Do you really need an Electric Toothbrush to do the work better? Nowadays there are various kinds of electric toothbrushes which are introduced in an Indian market from Oral B to Colgate etc which range from Rs.400 to Rs.6500.  I love how they are available with various themes for kids which would definitely make toothbrushing more interesting and fun for them. Talking about Electric Toothbrushes also called  Powered or automatic toothbrushes they were b

Can I really use Baking Soda to whiten my teeth?

source You really want to attend that wedding or the special party and you need your smile to be white and bright instantly! You don't really know what you can do, so you just go over the internet to search for 'How to whiten your teeth at home?' You read ''Oh yea! Baking soda!''  they tell you to use it either with coconut oil, toothpaste, lemon juice, vinegar, or maybe oh how about some Apple Cider?? huh!? Perfect right ?! Well,  think twice because once the damage is done you can't really trace back and repair it! What exactly is Baking soda? Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a chemical compound that is white, crystalline, and often appears as a fine powder. It is made up of sodium and bicarbonate ions. It is alkaline in nature so it helps to neutralize the acidic environment in your mouth. Can it really whiten my teeth? Because baking soda is a mildly abrasive substance, it removes surface stains from your teeth. It is

Why Dentists are asking to get wisdom tooth removed?

SOURCE Wisdom tooth is the last one to come out between the ages of 17 and 25.Whereas some may not develop wisdom tooth.For others, wisdom teeth erupt normally , just as their other molars did ,and cause no problems. Nowadays there is no enough room for the wisdom tooth to erupt in the oral cavity.So it erupts only partially or not at all. SOURCE Why there is no space for your wisdom tooth to erupt? Our ancestors used to  have hard food and therefore had bigger jaws While that may be overkill for some types of soft processed food like ice cream or even bread, chewing, or lack thereof, may have actually contributed to the reasons human jaws became smaller and why we now have smaller numbers of teeth in those jaws. Wisdom tooth is no exception ! Its the last tooth to erupt and mostly has no space in the jaw for it to erupt. But whats the issue if wisdom tooth erupts partially and is not decayed ? Do we still have to get it removed? Answer is Yes ! You do ! source

Best Dental Crown for you ?

Probably you need to get the crown placed over your tooth or you may already have one. Your Dentist must have already given you options and you still wondering which can be best for you! I will help you to decide which one would be best for your beloved tooth and you can take your own decision! :) source Why do 'you' ah sorry 'your tooth' really need a crown? :D A dentist might recommend placing a dental crown for common reasons such as: To strengthen a tooth, specially after Root Canal Procedure To improve the cosmetic appearance of a tooth To cover a dental implant Types of Dental crowns or cap  1. Metal Alloy  source advantages rarely chip or break,  last the longest in terms of wear down, and only require a small amount of tooth to be removed. They can also withstand biting and chewing forces. disadvantage The metallic color is the main drawback. Metal crowns are a good choice for out-of-sight molars. cost :  1500

Do you still believe these common Dental myths?

source Having certain beliefs and thinking is fine but when it is going to be affecting you n your health then I think it's time for some background check. Here are some common dental myths in India. Some of which you may believe and some you may not! Let's find out which are they! 1. Tooth removal affects eyesight source There is absolutely no connection between the nerves of your eyes with that of your teeth. This myth may have emerged from the necessity to removal of tooth during old age. As older people have aged gums and because of that they mostly have to get their teeth removed. Same case happens with the diminished eyesight during old age called as Presbyopia which is age related vision loss.  If this was the case then all you people who use specs should have lost some teeth , isn't it? 2. Milk Teeth Fall Off Naturally; Saving Them Is Not Important source This is the most common misconception most parents have. Any kind of infection in your m

Teeth are loose after professional cleaning ?

source Have you recently got professional cleaning done from your Dentist? Does your teeth feel loose after the professional cleaning? Are you blaming the Dentist for the looseness of your teeth after scaling? You are probably wrong! Let's see how?!         Have you ever noticed Hardened plaque, known as tartar or the calculus accumulated over your teeth specially at the gum margin most commonly  inside of your lower teeth and outer gum line of your upper back teeth. source        This happens  if your home care routine of brushing and flossing has slipped and you have skipped your regular dental cleanings. This causes the gums to pull away from the teeth, creating gaps that can become infected.Over time, this process can break down the bone and tissue supporting the teeth, causing the teeth to become loose.         Now in this case you can't really see the supporting bone damage and also the your tooth is held by chunks of calculus which gives a fals


source Everything about Root Canal Treatment WHAT IS 'ROOT CANAL'? Root canal is the term used to describe the natural cavity within the center of the tooth. The pulp or pulp chamber is the soft area within the root canal. The tooth's nerve and blood vessels lies within the root canal. WHEN ROOT CANAL TREATMENT IS ADVISED? 1.Pain  source Discomfort ranging from a dull ache to a sharp pain Usually triggered by chewing, applying pressure on the tooth or eating something cold or hot. 2.Swelling source Swollen gums near the painful tooth can be a sign of an issue that requires a root canal. The swelling may come and go. It may be tender when you touch it, or it may not be painful to the touch. 3.Sensitivity source Prolonged sensitivity (pain) to hot or cold temperatures (after the heat or cold has been removed) 4.Night Pain source The main reason why toothaches are more  painful at night  is our  sleeping  position. Laying do