Should you be using Ayurvedic Toothpaste ??



Ayurvedic toothpaste...Are they worth it?

We Indians are crazy about anything ayurvedic or ‘’Herbal’’ As you call it!

Let me ask you this question…

Why do you even prefer an ‘Ayurvedic’ product?

We often buy Ayurvedic or Herbal products because we think of them as being 'Chemical-free' or 'safe'

Any product with its contents within the permissible limits is always safe hence it's actually approved by respective authorities such as FDA or IDA

I had a lot of my patients asking me whether they can use ayurvedic toothpaste and if they are as effective as one of those conventional toothpastes in the market …Let’s discuss this in little detail.

Ayurvedic toothpaste may have all its ayurvedic ingredients such as Neem, Lavang oil, Vaividang, Bakul, Honey, Amla, pomegranate, Triphala, pineapple, Papaya, menthol…etc.

Well, the conventional toothpaste is made up of a few basic ingredients or 'chemicals' which provides them with consistency and texture...

It was found that herbal toothpaste has a similar texture and properties as that of conventional ones but they may differ in flavor and color…

A study done by consumer affairs clearly states that Ayurvedic Toothpastes which promises the consumer of being all 'natural' actually has only 10 percent of its natural contents and the rest is the same as that of conventional toothpaste.

So they are similar to normal toothpaste with some herbs added making them appear all-natural...

So if they claim decay protection it’s because of 'fluoride' in them,

If they claim stronger gums it’s because the brushing that you would do anyway to protect your teeth from plaque.

Just like how the effective cleaning of your house only partially depends on the kind of broom you use or vacuum cleaner, you use…and more depends on how you clean it reaching it to all the corners of your house.

Your oral hygiene DOES NOT completely depend on the type of toothpaste or toothbrush you use...

It also depends on how you clean them…

You can read: How to brush effectively.

So the question is, whether you should be using Ayurvedic (Herbal) toothpaste?

Of course, it would be your choice in case you want to use them …

There are currently fluoridated and non fluoridated kind of toothpaste in the market.

You can always pick up fluoridated and the ones which are approved by FDI Or FDA.

You can also ask your dentist the kind of toothpaste you need to use according to the requirement.

Your dentist mostly recommends using fluoridated toothpaste, most approved Indian Ayurvedic toothpaste brands contain fluoride.

It’s an irony that we want all our products, we use having the Herbal or ‘Natural ‘ tag attached to it but when it comes to consumption of the food we often are not really concerned about eating or consuming 'natural' food ... why this is important in relation with your teeth? We will discuss that in our next post.

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