Is your way of brushing causing you Tooth Sensitivity?

Have you noticed a sharp pain in your teeth after having a cold drink or any hot beverage?
Are you having sharp pain even after eating sweet food?


It's probably the cause of sensitive teeth!

Do you know overzealous brushing i.e. either brushing with too much force or using a hard bristle toothbrush may cause wearing down the upper layer (enamel) of your teeth exposing inner layers containing nerve endings, causing tooth sensitivity.


What happens exactly?

1) improper method of brushing 

Don't be too harsh on your strong teeth.
excessive vigorous brushing isn't going to make your teeth whiter or even cleaner.

2)Using whitening toothpaste

your enamel is the hardest surface of teeth but vigorous brushing with a denitrifies which has more of the abrasive agent may cause damage to the enamel 

3)Gum damage 

excessive brushing may also cause gum damage exposing roots of the teeth which may lead to sensitivity

So, brushing if not done properly can severely damage your teeth.
always adapt yourself with proper toothbrushing!
Happy safe brushing :)


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