Common doubts before wisdom tooth extraction (FAQ's)


FAQ's regarding wisdom tooth extraction

1.Is it okay to extract more than one wisdom tooth in a single sitting?

ans. Yes. You can get more than one wisdom tooth extracted on the same day.

2.How much time the procedure may require?

ans.It completely depends on the case . Some cases may take 10 mins or some may take more than half hour .

3.Can I eat normally after tooth removal?

ans.Your Dentist would give necessary instructions after wisdom tooth extraction procedures which you can follow.
You can have soft food for few days.

4.Can I resume my daily activities or go to work after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure?

ans.Normally If it is not surgical extraction then it is fine to resume your daily activities but in case of surgical extraction case it is normally recommended to take a rest for at least one day for you to follow all the post-surgery instructions.

5.Is it painful during or after the extraction procedure?

ans.Any dental treatment is not painful and mostly done under Local anesthesia.  Wisdom tooth extraction procedure is completely painless. You may feel slight discomfort but there would be no pain. 
After the procedure the Dentist would prescribe you necessary medicines to relieve pain or swelling.

6. Will there be swelling after the treatment?

ans.If it is a surgical extraction procedure there can be post-operative swelling which will eventually regress after 3-4 days.

Please don't ask your Dentist if you will lose some of your wisdom after getting your wisdom tooth removed!! There is absolutely no connection of your wisdom tooth with your own wisdom....
 Guess what you have to work on Your wisdom yourself! 😆😜


If you still have any doubts regarding wisdom tooth extraction write in the comments below.


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