
Should you be using Ayurvedic Toothpaste ??

  Source Ayurvedic toothpaste...Are they worth it? We Indians are crazy about anything ayurvedic or ‘’Herbal’’ As you call it! Let me ask you this question… Why do you even prefer an ‘Ayurvedic’ product? We often buy Ayurvedic or Herbal products because we think of them as being 'Chemical-free' or 'safe' Any product with its contents within the permissible limits is always safe hence it's actually approved by respective authorities such as FDA or IDA I had a lot of my patients asking me whether they can use ayurvedic toothpaste and if they are as effective as one of those conventional toothpastes in the market …Let’s discuss this in little detail. Ayurvedic toothpaste may have all its ayurvedic ingredients such as Neem, Lavang oil, Vaividang, Bakul, Honey, Amla, pomegranate, Triphala, pineapple, Papaya, menthol…etc. Well, the conventional toothpaste is made up of a few basic ingredients or 'chemicals' which provides them with consistency and textur

Is your way of brushing causing you Tooth Sensitivity?

Have you noticed a sharp pain in your teeth after having a cold drink or any hot beverage ? Are you having sharp pain even after eating sweet food? source It's probably the cause of sensitive teeth! Do you know overzealous brushing i.e. either brushing with too much force or using a hard bristle toothbrush may cause wearing down the upper layer (enamel) of your teeth exposing inner layers containing nerve endings, causing tooth sensitivity. source What happens exactly? 1) improper method of brushing  Don't be too harsh on your strong teeth. excessive vigorous brushing isn't going to make your teeth whiter or even cleaner. 2)Using whitening toothpaste your enamel is the hardest surface of teeth but vigorous brushing with a denitrifies which has more of the abrasive agent may cause damage to the enamel  3)Gum damage  excessive brushing may also cause gum damage exposing roots of the teeth which may lead to sensitivity So, brushing if not d

5 ways to whiten your teeth Professionally!

source Let's talk about everyone's favorite topic White Teeth! Almost each one of you must have tried to whiten your teeth at least once with one of those home remedies available on the internet or must have even asked your Dentist regarding the similar. I mean who would not want a sparkling bright smile to boost their confidence, right ?! When I am talking about teeth whitening way! I am not telling you those natural DIYS to whiten your precious teeth. Following are the ways dentists would recommend... 1.Dental Cleaning                                                       source Dental cleaning will remove surface stains, making your teeth appear whiter. The dental hygienist will also polish your teeth to brighten and smooth the enamel. Smoother teeth are less likely to pick up stains.  Plus, cleaning makes teeth whitening treatments more effective. This is because smooth, stain-free teeth are more receptive to the gels used to whit

Can you visit the dentist during coronavirus Pandemic?

source During this time of corona virus pandemic with uncertainty and unpredictability of the future which is affecting all the world at economical , financial and mental level . With the number of cases increasing in cities and most of the parts in India, our minds filled with fear of getting affected by this virus..but your Tooth does not know about it ...India began a gradual lifting of its nationwide corona virus lock down with dental clinics reopening in a bid to serve patients with Dentists following all the protocols. Let us consider the case of Mr.Pawar. Mr. Pawar detected a cavity in his lower molar which now has started aching , despite taking self medication for pain relief it does not seem to get better. There are lot of questions and doubts Mr. Pawar has if he Plans to visit a dental office. Is it safe for him to visit dentist during pandemic? What precautions he can take? How will the appointment be? What changes can be seen in the dental hospital or during t

Common doubts before wisdom tooth extraction (FAQ's)

source FAQ's regarding wisdom tooth extraction 1.Is it okay to extract more than one wisdom tooth in a single sitting? ans. Yes. You can get more than one wisdom tooth extracted on the same day. 2.How much time the procedure may require? ans.It completely depends on the case . Some cases may take 10 mins or some may take more than half hour . 3.Can I eat normally after tooth removal? ans.Your Dentist would give necessary instructions after wisdom tooth extraction procedures which you can follow. You can have soft food for few days. 4.Can I resume my daily activities or go to work after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure? ans.Normally If it is not surgical extraction then it is fine to resume your daily activities but in case of surgical extraction case it is normally recommended to take a rest for at least one day for you to follow all the post-surgery instructions. 5.Is it painful during or after the extraction procedure? ans.Any dental treatment is not pa

What to eat after tooth removal?

source well of course I am not gonna tell you to grab that double cheese burger just after that wisdom tooth extraction and I am even sure you aren't that adventurous to try on biting onto your favorite chicken wings! Okay no more talking about delicious food ... because if you are planning to get that tooth extracted you may have to slurp on some really less spicy soup for sure ... Before talking about what can you eat lets talk about what not to eat after or on the day of Tooth extraction .. Avoid Spicy, hard and Hot Foodstuffs.. Crunchy and crumbly foods like popcorn or nachos  Grains n seeds -  The reason why you can't have it , is because this kinda food gets lodged into the socket brings about discomfort and more pain if it stays there and can cause infection . source I know you love your cup of coffee brewed nicely n served Hot .. but you gotta avoid that for at least 2 to 3 days..! Getting to the point .. What can you eat after

5 Things to avoid after Tooth Removal !

SOURCE You must have gotten that Tooth removed ..may be it was mobile, paining or may be your orthodontist advised you so , It could be even that wisdom tooth which you have gotten rid of ...In any case obviously you gonna have doubts how to care , what precautions you should take even what to eat etc. The Tooth removal is done but the aftercare is also important which is solely done by you ! And hence it becomes necessary for you to know what precautionary measures you should be taking Here you go .. Just after the tooth removal Your Dentist must have asked you to bite on the gauze piece for at least half hour to one hour which will help in controlling bleeding after tooth extraction. You can have something cold like smoothie or plane ice cream one hour after the tooth removal that is when when you remove the gauze. Avoid Spitting and vigorous rinsing. Avoid Hard ,Hot and spicy food and drinks at least for 24 hours. Avoid Brushing AT extraction site.(It can be